Hey guys! I know it has been a minute since I have posted and I am really going to try and be better with that. I can’t believe Summer is almost over. I am taking us back a few weekends ago when we found this gorgeous sunflower field in the middle of nowhere. I am not sure of the exact story but the carwash next it, planted for the customers to take pictures. It was stunning. I have never actually seen a field of sunflowers in person. Logan just took off and ran though it. For a moment I felt like Alice in Wonderland, when she’s little and lost in the flower garden. I have been thinking a lot lately about health and happiness and the journey to get there. I recently had a childhood friend pass away very unexpectedly.  I have not experienced death much and it really has shaken me. Life is so short and precious. There is nothing that makes me happier then my little family. I love them so much, they are my forever. I really want to focus on the future and getting in better shape and just trying to think more positive. We have been hit with a really bad cold/flu and its just another reminder to take better care of ourselves, mentally and physically. I am very much looking forward to the cooler temperatures and statement coats for sure in the coming weeks. Does anyone have their favorite workout gear? What are some remedies that you swear by for colds? Leave me a comment below! Thanks everyone for following! It means so much. Have a fantastic weekend. I hope to beat this cold asap. — XOXO Alexandra


LACE KIMONO: VICI  /  JEANS: Express  /  NECKLACE: Lulus, Lulus (second option)  /  SUNGLASSES: Nordstrom, Ray Ban  /  Logan’s SHIRT: Macy’s,  /  Logan’s SHORTS: Macy’s   /  Logan’s MOCASSINS: GAP

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